1. Palace reached the funeral obituary, the abdication of the Qing Dynasty, The Last Emperor Xuantong very condolences for the posthumous title, "Wen Xi", confer posthumously with the country. 丧讣传到故宫,退位的清朝末代皇帝宣统甚表哀悼,谥号“文僖”,追赠相国。
2. Epoxy resin is modified with p-Aminobenzoic acid, which ic h confer water dispersibility to the otherwise water insolubler resin. 用对氨基苯甲酸改性环氧树脂,使其成为具有亲水性的树脂。
3. Crystal masks confer special abilities or improved skills on their wearers. “水晶面具”使佩戴者得到特殊能力或提高技能。
4. Furthermore, several people can confer together without moving from their desks, even in widely scattered locations. 还有,几个人不必离开他们的办公桌,即便相隔很远,也可以交换意见。
5. The Emir may, by an Emiri Order, confer upon the Heir Apparent the exercise of some of his powers and the discharge of some of his functions. 埃米尔可以,通过埃米尔体制,授予当然继承人行使部分权力履行部分义务。
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