1. Compeer mental tutorship is a kind of school mental health education model. 朋辈心理辅导是一种学校心理健康教育模式。
2. Finally the compeer announced the end of the meeting, and the members left after the group photo was taken. 最后,主持人宣布大会结束,请会员立场,部员留下合影留念。
3. At throwing the hammer George had no compeer ; but there was a knack in putting the stone which he could never acquire, and here Hawthorn beat him. 在掷铁锤方面,乔治无人能及,但是在搬石块方面,需要一些特别技巧,乔治总是不得要领,经常输给霍桑。
1. a person who is of equal standing with another in a group