1. There have been many examples of closed economies throughout history, but very few closed economies exist today. also called autarky. 这种经济也可称为“自给自足的经济”,在历史上有很多例子,但是在现代经济中很少见。
2. Both fractures and vugs may be closed or partially closed by precipitated calcite or other similar material. 裂缝和岩穴被方解石沉淀物或其它类似的物质完全或部分地封闭。
3. With the bass plugs mounted in the bass reflex ports, the cabinet is closed and the loudspeaker operates as a closed construction. 将低音插头接入低音反射端口,可以将音箱设置为密闭式音箱,使其像密闭式音箱一样工作。
4. The application of the Ohms law of simple closed circuit in complicated closed circuit or open circuit is studied. 讨论简单闭合电路的欧姆定律推广应用于非闭合电路及复杂电路的求解过程。
5. Both fractures and vugs may be closed or partially closed by precipitated calcite or other similar material. 裂缝和岩穴被方解石沉淀物或其它类似的物质完全或部分地封闭。