1. BSU is small HEPA filter and fan unit, which is used for many purposes by users plan such as simple clean bench, clean booth, clean pass box &clean garman stocker etc. 该装置是一种提高局部小环境洁净度等级的空气净化产品,利用净化单元可制作简易洁净工作台、洁净层流罩、洁净传递柜和洁净存衣柜。
2. BSU is small HEPA filter and fan unit, which is used for many purposes by users plan such as simple clean bench, clean booth, clean passbox& clean garman stocker etc. 该装置是一种提高局部小环境洁净度等级的空气净化产品,利用净化单元可制作简易洁净工作台、净层流罩、净传递柜和洁净存衣柜。
3. Clean filter, Rubber ring to rotate out to the right, wipe clean with paper towels or a cotton swab, filter clean, please also clean cigarette holder wall. 清洁滤芯时,请将吸嘴旋出,用纸巾或棉签擦拭干净,滤芯清洁后,请同时清洁烟嘴内壁。
4. Clean filter, Rubber ring to rotate out to the right, wipe clean with paper towels or a cotton swab, filter clean, please also clean cigarette holder wall. 清洁滤芯时,请将吸嘴旋出,用纸巾或棉签擦拭乾净,滤芯清洁后,请同时清洁烟嘴内壁。
5. Used to the covering of industry building or house, under house and tunnel as well as the covering of wood-house or metal-house. 适用于民用与工业建筑的屋面及地下室、隧道等防水工程,同时还适用于木结构、金属结构屋面的防水工程。