1. Empty or insincere talk; claptrap. 空话,废话;''。'哗众取宠'。''的言语。
2. Those make concept, try to please the public with claptrap blindly actually gewgaw product is sure to be washed out by the market. 那些盲目制造概念、哗众取宠实际上华而不实的产品必将被市场淘汰。
3. 'As to the great service, ' said Carton, 'I am bound to avow to you, when you speak of it in that way, that it was mere professional claptrap. “至于那个大忙,”卡尔顿说,“既然你说得那么郑重其事,我倒不能不向你发誓,那只不过是一种手法,为了耸人听闻而已。