1. Don't jump to a conclusion before considering all the facts. Be circumspect. 没有考虑所有事实之前,不要匆忙下结论。要谨慎小心。
2. He reflected constantly on what she had said to him, and turned over in his mind the impression of her rather circumspect tone. 他常常回忆她对他说过的话,内心里翻来覆去琢磨她那种圆滑周到的口吻。
3. Goering, who had been looking forward, to put it mildly, to the day when he might succeed Hitler, was more circumspect than might have been expected. 这位正在等待(说得客气一点)继承希特勒的位置的帝国无帅,竟出人意料地小心谨慎起来。