1. "We have to wait another few weeks for characterisation of the virus, " he said. 他说:“要得到有关该病毒的确切消息,我们还不得不再等上几周时间。”
2. But unlike the novels on which those were based, Das Kapital has never been noted for its vivid characterisation or gripping plot. 但与基于小说的戏剧改编不同,《资本论》既没有栩栩如生的人物塑造,也没有引人入胜的故事情节。
3. Sometimes the play, with its disdain for characterisation and its endless catalogue of horrors, seems to be struggling under the weight of its own self-importance. 有时,因为它不屑塑造人物和传达的无止境的恐惧,该剧似乎迫于其自身的妄自尊大而苦苦挣扎。
1. a graphic or vivid verbal description
2. the act of describing distinctive characteristics or essential features