1. Champaign. Any place that can make me feel like a home. 如果现在可以让你随心所欲去旅行,你想去哪?
2. Other schools in the top five were New YorkUniversity, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Purdue University. 另外前五名的学校分别是纽约大学,伊利诺斯州立大学厄本那-香槟分校,普渡大学。
3. Surprisingly, I received my first acceptance letter in December: it was from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign! 很意外的,我在十二月收到了第一封录取通知,那是从俄班那香槟城的伊利诺大学寄来的!
1. extensive tract of level open land
2. a university town in east central Illinois adjoining Urbana