1. Avoid dust traps like teddy bears, cushions, dried flowers, bric-a-brac and toys. 减少室内可能累积灰尘的摆设,如玩具熊,垫子,干花,小古董和一些玩具等。
2. Notice the excess of bric-a-brac, including silver and china collectibles (Blue Willow is an example), around table tops. 观察到摆饰在桌上的古董装饰品,通常是类似银器或是瓷器的收藏品(例如蓝色柳树花样)。
3. The set consists only of platforms, scaffolding, cage like balconies and ratty bric-a-brac, but it extends by cat walks and planks through both levels of the theater. 舞台道具不过是些平台、脚手架、笼形阳台,还有耗子出没的老古董,但是通过安装栈道和木板,舞台延伸到整个剧场的两侧。