1. The audience listened breathless, but the words refused to come. 听众们屏息敛气静听,可是话还是没有说出来。
2. "Pardon, excuse me, sir, " he said, quite breathless, "but here are your fifteen hundred francs. “对不起,请原谅,先生,”他一面喘着气,一面说,“这是您的一千五百法郎。”
3. Never again would a Bad Boy steal a woman away from me, and never again would a woman be anything less than completely fulfilled and breathless after sex with me. 在不会让一个坏家伙从我身边夺走一个女人!在不会让一个女人在跟我做爱后,得不到完全的,令人窒息的性满足!我暗下决心。
1. not breathing or able to breathe except with difficulty
2. tending to cause suspension of regular breathing
3. appearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse