1. Orange is the color of freedom. It symbolizes excitement, magnanimous, adamancy and brawniness. It's lively, clear and warm. 自由之色,象征着兴奋不已,宽容大度,坚强不屈和百折不挠。橙色象征着希望和快乐,明快而清新,清晰而透明,充满温暖关怀之意。
2. advance the combat skills, it is important for the soldiers to cultivate the combat style of Long-suffering, braveness and brawniness. 对增强体质,提高实战技能,培养军人坚忍不拔、勇敢顽强购乐学的战斗作风,具有重要意义。
3. An excellent traditional boxer, like one brave army, should have the spirit of brawniness and self-confidence, and don't scare of death arid defeat. 顽强自信,不惧死亡,“夺人而不夺于人”,是一个优秀的传统拳手,也是一个有战斗力的军队所必须的;