1. Could this big, muscular, flat-chested, deep-voiced 800-metres runner, who took the gold, really be a woman? 这个高大、壮实、平胸、声音低沉的800米金牌得主真的是女性吗?
2. The union president, Dave Bevard, was a big, barrel-chested man in his mid-fifties, with a dark beard, tinted glasses, and a fedora that made him look like a member of the band ZZ Top. 工会主席戴夫。比瓦德(DaveBevard)是一个大个子身材魁梧的人,54或55岁的样子,脸上长着深色的胡须,戴着深色眼镜和一顶浅毡帽,看起来像一个ZZTop(老牌布鲁斯硬摇滚传奇乐队)的成员。
3. A bare-chested man jogs past a more appropriately dressed family in a snow-covered park. 在一处覆盖了皑皑白雪的公园中,一个赤裸上身的慢跑爱好者从穿着厚厚棉服的一家人旁边跑过。
4. But no, there on a heavier chain stood the barrel-chested villain. 可是什么也没有,只见那只墩实的恶犬被拴在一条比原先更粗的链子上。
5. Barrel-chested with long legs and a proud face --the Formosan dog. 长腿宽胸、相貌堂堂,人问是谁——中型台湾犬。