bet 指竞赛中的打赌,也指双方对有疑惑之事争执不下的打赌。在口语中,bet作“确信,敢说”解。 gamble 多指投机,为获得某物或牟利而冒大险,含孤注一掷意味。
1. I bet that it will snow tomorrow. 我敢说明天一定会下雪。
2. I bet you are the same. 我敢打赌你也是相同的。
3. Bet a certain percentage of your bankroll. 打赌了一某百分比的你资金。
1. the money risked on a gamble
2. the act of gambling v.
1. maintain with or as if with a bet
2. stake on the outcome of an issue
3. have faith or confidence in