1. The one American industry unaffected by the general depression of trade is the beamy industry. 美国工业中专一未受贸易大萧条影响的是美容用品业。
2. The one American industry unaffected by the general depression of trade is the beamy industry. 美国工业中惟一未受贸易大萧条影响的是美容用品业。
3. May 30th. In the morning of May 30th, the Goddess of Democracy to be unveiled, resembling the rising sun and symbolizing the uplifting of beamy democracy in China's horizon. 1989年5月30日五月三十日早晨,即将揭幕的民主女神像,好似东升的朝阳,象徵著民主的光芒在中国大地上升起。
1. broad in the beam
2. radiating or as if radiating light