1. What is an avatar? How do I get one? 什么是用户头像?我怎么可以得到一个?
2. You can see your level right next to your avatar, and the level of the selected character next to theirs. 你可以在你的头像旁看到你的等级,而你选定的人物等级也在他们的头像旁边。
3. Create and save up to 3 completely personalized players: name, avatar, ball colour and weight, release power and spin. 创建并保存最多3完全个性化的玩家:名称,化身,球的颜色和重量,释放力量和旋转。
1. a new personification of a familiar idea
2. the manifestation of a Hindu deity (especially Vishnu) in human or superhuman or animal form