1. May costly unit undertaking be in the ascendent! 祝愿贵单位事业蒸蒸日上!
2. in 2008 my bad luck star you might walk. 2009 ascendent you come. 2008年我的倒霉星你可以走了。2009年的幸运星你来吧。
3. If yon would know whatwindeshe shall have, behold the Ascendent and his Lord, whether he be with good or evil Planets, and in what place, and accordingly judge. 如果你想知道风的情况如何,则观察上升点及其守护星,与吉星还是凶星相连,位于何处,并据此推断。
1. position or state of being dominant or in control
2. someone from whom you are descended (but usually more remote than a grandparent) adj.
1. tending or directed upward
2. most powerful or important or influential