1. When Toad's quiet and submissive and playing at being the hero of a Sunday-school prize, then he's at his artfulness. 每当蟾蜍变得安静柔顺,装出一副主日学得奖乖孩子的模样时,那也就是他最最狡猾的时候。
2. Here's what I learned from this recent encounter with a true artiste of life, and what might help us all bring a touch of artfulness to our own living. 以下是我从近来所遇的有着艺术家般生活的人处所学到的,这也或许会为我们自己的生活带来一股艺术的韵味。
3. And yet all Pierre's artfulness consisted in seeking to please himself by drawing out human qualities in the bitter, hard, and, in her own way, proud princess. 而在当时皮埃尔的一切狡猾只在于在这一位凶狠的、无情的,有其所特有的傲慢的公爵小姐身上唤醒人类的感情,他也以此为乐罢了。
1. the quality of being adroit in taking unfair advantage