1. However, the U. S. does not have an extradition treaty with China so officials waited for Freeman to leave China before arresting him. 但是由于美国和中国没有引渡条约,所以有关官员一直等到弗里曼离开中国时才将他逮捕。
2. Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it . -----Leacock Stephen, Canadian economist. 广告可被视为一种长久蒙蔽人类智慧以期从中赚钱的技巧。-----加拿大经济学家斯蒂芬L。
3. That is why what is happening in the Chinese cultural economy is so arresting: the economic imperatives and the political ones are not always in harmony. 那就是为什么中国文化经济事件如此引人注目的原因,因为经济必要性与政治命令并不总是协调一致。