1. We apologise for not being able to accept your enrolment due to limited seats. 很抱歉,因报名人数踊跃,名额已满,恕不能接受阁下之申请。
2. I apologise for the short time frame but the client has only just allowed us into look at his application. 很抱歉,设计时间太仓促了,但是(那是因为)客户刚刚才给我看过他的委托书。
3. "I apologise for causing so much trouble to the public, prime minister and Diet by not managing my health properly, " Mr Nakagawa said. 中川昭一表示:“我为考试*大未能管理好自己的健康,给公众、首相和国会带来这么多麻烦表示道歉。”
1. defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning
2. acknowledge faults or shortcomings or failing