1. There is an amorous moonlight prompting to love - to love not only for an individual but sometimes even for the whole universe. 有时它象是充满爱恋之心,让人体察出某种爱的启示,这种爱小到微观的生命,大到整个宏观的宇宙。
2. It will be well for men to resolve at me first approaches of the amorous but fickle pair upon interdicting even an accidental temporary junction. 在这对多情而又易变的恋人刚一出现时,就设法防止他们利用任何偶然机会临时结合起来,这是很明智的。
3. After the tide that experienced countless years is transitional, colour stripe is taking infinite amorous feelings to stand to people afresh again before. 在经历了无数岁月的潮流变迁之后,色彩条纹又带着无限的风情重新站到了人们面前。
1. inclined toward or displaying love
2. expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance