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    1. The teeth are all the same, the noses are all the same (except Diane von Furstenberg's), the tits are all the same, and no doubt the pudenda are all shaved in the same pattern.
    2. Compare their photographs. The same pale skin, the same slicked-back hair, the same bulbous nose, the same enormous ears, the same penetrating eyes.
    3. We're all in the same boat and we all are going to catch the same hell from the same man.
    4. That way, he can read through a group from the same area all at once, and the replies can all be sent back at the same time, in the same dispatch box, in the care of the courier who brought them.
    透过这种方 式,雍正可以一口气阅览同一地区送来的密摺,批覆之后的密摺放在同一摺匣内,再由原赍摺之人带回。
    5. All the acts that belong to the same category share the same purpose or the same illocutionary point, but they differ in their strength or forth.


    Same time same place same parking curb
    The same feeling concludes to our same yearning
    be tarred with the same brush birds of a feather jackals of the same lair
    be tarred with the same brush birds of a feather jackals of the same lair
    be tarred with the same brush birds of a feather jackals of the same lair
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