1. At bottom, the essence of spectacular time is alienated consumptive time. 说到底,景观时间的本质就是异化消费时间。
2. Many people in the cities, including the intellectuals and youth, were alienated from us for a long time. 城市里的许多人,包括知识分子和青年,在很长一段时间内脱离我们。
3. As the most alienated social class in capitalist society the proletariat exist on the basis of private property, itself the source of alienated labor. 作为资本主义社会里最被异化的社会阶级,无产阶级是依靠私有财产基础――本身即是异化劳动的根源――生存的。
1. socially disoriented
2. caused to be unloved