1. Some are also resorting to an old tradition among ailing newspapers of seeking a sugar-daddy. 一些报纸也正求助于在害病的报业中流传的寻找一位“甜爹”的旧习。
2. By the time ailing firms are willing to accept outside capital and advice, it is too late: they are on their deathbeds. 等到这家不景气的公司很愿意接受外部投入资本和建议的时候,却一切晚矣:他们快到临终之时。
3. Meantime, their penchant for lending to the vast but ailing small and medium enterprises sector raises the prospect of a jump in non-performing loans. 同时,银行非常乐于向规模庞大、但境况不佳的中小型企业领域贷款,这加大了不良贷款激增的可能性。