1. My brain is a bit addled by whiskey. 威士忌搞得我头晕脑胀的。
2. Trawling virus-addled websites in search of programmes seems too much like hard work. 在病毒泛滥的网站上漫天撒网,搜索电视节目,对他们而言,似乎太费劲了。
3. They may have been right about producing milk. But like many other milk-addled rural bureaucrats in China, they have proved sadly mistaken about profits. 生产牛奶并没错,但是如同其他思想保守的官僚们的决定一样,他们对盈利的估计错误了。
1. (of eggs) no longer edible
2. confused and vague; used especially of thinking