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    1. is seductive; never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander for a spell in abysses of solitude; to lose itself in mazes of inward contemplation.
    2. Ross: (to Monica) You wanna wander in the hall? (to Ben) Ooh, hey Ben, what if the Holiday Armadillo told you all about the festival of lights?
    3. In northern New Jersey, this bear decided to wander, heading in the backyards and toward a high school, causing officials there to cancel all outdoor activities.
    4. Fewer people might wander down to the shops when it is unbearably hot but, unlike continental Europe, the UK has mostly been bearably hot.
    5. Using the external infrared sensors we implement a tracking algorithm and a safe wander algor.


    apparent wander
    视漂移; 表观漂移; 视进动; 表观漂移视进动陀螺仪轴由于地球自转的)视进动;
    wander poet
    Isonomic lovers wander on the riverbank
    无眠的恋人在河岸闲荡; 无眠的恋人在河岸荡;
    wander saunter
    漫步, 徘徊;
    get lost got lost labyrinth lose one's way straggle wander went astray


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