1. is seductive; never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander for a spell in abysses of solitude; to lose itself in mazes of inward contemplation. 大海的迴响多麽诱人,它不断低语,忽而喧哗,忽而呢喃,似在邀求她的灵魂遨游于孤独的深渊之中,迷失于沉思里。
2. Ross: (to Monica) You wanna wander in the hall? (to Ben) Ooh, hey Ben, what if the Holiday Armadillo told you all about the festival of lights? (对莫尼卡说)你想在门厅里“流浪”吗?(对本说)嗨,本,让犰狳来给你讲关于灯光的节日故事好吗?
3. In northern New Jersey, this bear decided to wander, heading in the backyards and toward a high school, causing officials there to cancel all outdoor activities. 在北部的新泽西州,一头熊决定逛一逛,前往住宅后院并进入一所高中,导致那里的官员取消了所有的户外活动。
4. Fewer people might wander down to the shops when it is unbearably hot but, unlike continental Europe, the UK has mostly been bearably hot. 天气炎热难耐时,逛商店的人可能会减少。但与欧洲大陆不同的是,英国虽然也热,但大多数情况下尚可忍受。
5. Using the external infrared sensors we implement a tracking algorithm and a safe wander algor. 软件采用汇编语言编写,能下载并运行上位机程序,配合外围红外传感器,实现了追踪和安全漫游。