1. Soft and wild is the song trait. and the ending part most trait. raucity, cool with some desolation. 这首歌的特点是温柔和狂野相结合,最特点的在结尾,嘶哑中带着沧桑感。
2. There is still a long way to go to achieve the goal of identifying quantitative trait gene (QTG) and even the quantitative trait nucleotides underlining quantitative variation. 确定数量性状基因、确认数量性状基因的序列变异对数量性状变异的贡献率、描绘数量性状基因互作的网络仍然是一个艰巨而漫长的过程。
3. There is still a long way to go to achieve the goal of identifying quantitative trait gene (QTG) and even the quantitative trait nucleotides underlining quantitative variation. 确定数量性状基因、确认数量性状基因的序列变异对数量性状变异的贡献率、描绘数量性状基因互作的网络仍然是一个艰巨而漫长的过程。
4. The experiment uses a trait of the physics pendulum and designs another method to measure the acceleration of gravity. 本实验针对实验室用物理摆的特性,设计出另一种用物理摆测量重力加速的方法。
5. Note that when you spend experience points and want to go up more than one dot in a trait, you need to pay for all the 值得注意的,当你花费经验点并想要在特性上提升高于1点,你需要花费所有的中间等级。