1. Place a target directional light as a sun outside of the room, and set the shadow to a shadow map or ray trace and change the edge of the shadow to be sharp.

Shadow Bolt Volley - Hits people afflicted by
Shadow Mark. Hits for 3200 shadow damage. 5 Second cast time?

群发暗影箭-击中受到 暗影面具 的人,造成3200点暗影伤害。每5秒施放一次?
3. Multi-purpose: go for utility (Exs: Prestidigitation, Grease, Alter Self,
Shadow Conjuration,
Shadow Evocation.

4. Multi-purpose: go for utility (Exs: Prestidigitation, Grease, Alter Self,
Shadow Conjuration,
Shadow Evocation.

5. Furthermore, convolution shadow maps need to sample all of the basis coefficients for a given shadow map texel, which scales poorly as the number of coefficients increases.
