1. Upon these assurances, I resolved to venture to relieve them, if possible, and to send the old savage and this Spaniard over to them to treat. 我听了这一番保证的话,决计尽一切可能去冒险救他们,并且决计先派那老野人和这位西班牙人过去同他们办交涉。
2. And gone was the gritty buccaneer look that so perfectly complemented his savage forehand. 再也看不到了,他那幅俨然刚硬海盗似的模样,那种狂野的扮相是和他凶悍的正手很是相配。
3. Carolyn Savage and her husband have offered congratulations to the baby's biological parents, who say they are facing difficult times and want to maintain their privacy. 卡罗琳萨维奇和她的丈夫向婴儿的亲生/真正的父母表示祝贺,他们说正面临着艰难的时刻,希望保护他们的隐私。
4. There are no savage and civilised peoples; there are only different cultures. 没有文明人和野蛮人之分,只是他们之间的文化不同。
5. But as soon as the problem of prestige arises, and as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are arouse. 但是,一旦你的脑中呈现出名誉二字,一旦你觉得要是你输了比赛,会让你和一些更大的某一团体受溽,那么,最野蛮的竞争本性就会觉醒。
Adrian Savage 萨维奇;
Savage Garden Affirmation 晶美 野人花园 认定;
Ann Savage 萨维奇;
wild brutal heathen savage Gothic Hunnish barbaric tramontane 野蛮的;