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    1. Based on the theory of demology, the types of population age structure are divided according to the different proportions of elderly population and young population.
    2. Study on Development Strategy of Gansu Population, Study on the Situation of Population in Gansu, Publishing House of China Population, 2006.
    3. Study on Development Strategy of Gansu Population, Study on the Situation of Population in Gansu, Publishing House of China Population, 2006.
    4. Note:Data in 2000 were taken from population census, The permanent population of 2007 were taken from sample survey on population changing.
    5. During the day it has a high population density, the night population decline, the number of days and nights to big changes in population;


    population boom population explosion
    population boom population explosion
    accessible population
    可接近母群體; 可取得的母群体;
    population distribution
    人口分布; 总体分布; 粒子数分布; 城市人口分布;
    accessible population
    可接近母群體; 可取得的母群体;


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