1. At least five years full-time congregational and pastoral ministry experience, preferable in the US or Canada. 最少有五年全职在堂会牧养的经验。有在北美事奉经验者,优先考虑。
2. Pray for God's guidance upon the Deacon Board, Pastoral team and congregational members that we may serve in unity in shepherding and spreading the gospel. 求主带领执事部与教牧团及全会众同心同行,叫万事互相效力,在牧养,布道的事工上更有美好的果效。
3. The nomadic Mongol Minority treats grassland which gives them lives, coursers that they live on and pastoral as three saint things. These three things have been important parts of grassland culture. 做为游牧民族的蒙古族,一向把赋予生命的草原、赖以生存的骏马和生活中的牧歌视为三项圣洁美好的事物,因此她们也成为构成草原文化的三个主要因素。
4. Pastoral Crosier - The emblem of a shepherd's watchfulness over his flock, and denotes episcopal jurisdiction and authority. 牧师权杖-驭无知者的领袖,象征主教的裁判权和威信。
5. The power of human nature is realized in beauty, while that of the pastoral poets in history is realized in the beauty in Tao Yuan-ming's eclogues. 美是人的本质力量的外在显现,陶渊明田园诗的美是田园诗人的本质力量的外在显现;