1. Villain and he be many miles asunder. -- God Pardon him! I do, with all my heart; And yet no man like he doth grieve my heart. (旁白)恶人跟他相去真有十万八千里呢。——上帝饶恕他!我愿意全心饶恕他;可是没有一个人像他那样使我心里充满了悲伤。
2. I beg your pardon. 我请求您的原谅。
3. Park manager Marlo Acock said the farm-bred gobblers are overweight and less hardy than their wild counterparts, and do not live long after the pardon. 农场经理马洛-阿考克说在农场中饲养的火鸡太过肥胖,不像野生火鸡那样健壮,这样的火鸡被放生后大多活不长。
4. The transgressions for which leaders begged pardon included unreliable flights, bad phone service, and tire blowouts. Since then, the pattern has continued. 领导者为之请求原谅的错误有飞机失事,糟糕的电信服务,爆胎等等。之后,此举动就未停止过。
5. "Pardon, excuse me, sir, " he said, quite breathless, "but here are your fifteen hundred francs. “对不起,请原谅,先生,”他一面喘着气,一面说,“这是您的一千五百法郎。”
pardon my butting in 请原谅我打一下叉;
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