1. H. Green, who believed the state had an enabling role to play in a liberal society, or the ideas of Jo Grimond, a Balliol contemporary who led the British Liberal Party 50 years ago. 对认为国家扮演着促使社会更加自由的角色的英国哲学家格林,以及五十年前领导英国自由党的吉姆徳(此人亦毕业于牛津大学贝利奥尔学院)的观点,他都称赞不已。
2. But the signs of job growth do not look so good for liberal arts graduates. Not only that, Starting pay for graduate with liberal art degree is up just only 1%. 但是对于文艺类自由艺术专业毕业生的工作增长机会的增长迹象看起来不太好,并且起薪只提高了1%。
3. Nazis: Conservatives. Republicans. Anyone who is not a Progressive Third Way Liberal. Any political identity group/party opposed to the Democrats. The guilty world-wide economic achiever-class. 纳粹份子:保守主义者。共和党人。任何不是进步的,拥护“第三条道路”的自由份子的人。任何反对民主党的政治团体。全世界罪恶的经济既得利益者阶级。
4. Liberal opinion regarded them as archaisms of the Cold War which, they argued, was in the process of liquidation . 自由派舆论认为这些限制都是冷战的遗风,他们认为冷战已在消失的过程中。
5. But the signs of job growth do not look so good for liberal arts graduates. 但是向文科毕业生开放的职位的增长迹象看起来不那么好。