1. Money can be counted by amount, but love is invaluable. 金钱可以用数目来衡量,而爱情是无价的。
2. For maximum BV, Super Whey Pro has been ultra-filtered and processed at the lowest temperature to prevent the denaturing of this invaluable protein source. 也是拥有最大BV生物价值的乳清〈给人的身体最好的吸收〉,超级乳清运用科技超过滤和最低温处理,以防止这一弥足珍贵的蛋白质来源变质,所以它是最好的。
3. With such valuable information at your fingertips, your records should be treated as invaluable. 手上握着这样有价值的信息,你的记录就该视为无价之宝。
4. This jade bracelet is really an invaluable to article. 这件玉镯确实是非常贵重的物品。
5. Your press kit , or media kit, is an invaluable tool you can use to promote your company. 你的宣传资料袋,或媒体资料袋,都是你可以用来宣传公司的宝贵的工具。