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    1. On the base, the gully erosion process, the gully erosion developing condition and the interactivity between sheet erosion and gully erosion have been described.
    2. The soil erosion is more severe in the middle part on the short farmland slope. The erosion pattern of the gully base show violent headward erosion.
    3. The soil erosion is more severe in the middle part on the short farmland slope. The erosion pattern of the gully base show violent headward erosion.
    4. Based on practical investigation and research, soil erosion, mainly gravitational erosion and water erosion, was identified as the main ecological problem.
    5. Based on practical investigation and research, soil erosion, mainly gravitational erosion and water erosion, was identified as the main ecological problem.


    Regulation of techniques for comprehensive control of soil erosion--Technique for erosion control of gullies
    水土保持综合治理 技术规范 沟壑治理技术;
    A Study of the Erosion-Corrosion and Erosion-Corrosion Resistant Cast Iron Materials under Hot Concentrated Caustic Alumyte Slurry Conditions
    上一篇论文: 热强碱性铝矿浆冲刷腐蚀及抗磨蚀铸铁材料的研究;
    A Study of the Erosion-Corrosion and Erosion-Corrosion Resistant Cast Iron Materials under Hot Concentrated Caustic Alumyte Slurry Conditions
    上一篇论文: 热强碱性铝矿浆冲刷腐蚀及抗磨蚀铸铁材料的研究;
    Regulation of techniques for comprehensive control of soil erosion--Technique for control of wind erosion
    水土保持综合治理 技术规范 风沙治理技术;
    debaucjed dissipated erosion


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