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    1. Romeo and Juliet,I, iii “A man,young lady!lady,such a man as all the world ——why,he's a man of wax”!
    《罗密欧与朱丽叶》第一幕第三场“尊贵的小姐!这是一个男人,他是一个像世上所有男人一样的男子汉 ——唷,他原来是一个蜡男人!”
    2. "I have been in a lady's work-box, " said the darning-needle, "and this lady was the cook.
    3. Lady Dedlock is the most accomplished lady in the world, to whom I would do any homage that a plain gentleman may.
    4. The lady had a smell on her face. You mean the lady had a smile on her face?
    5. "I have been in a lady's work-box, " said the darning-needle, "and this lady was the cook.


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