1. In average person eye, mental person is very terrible, they are in the home roughhouse, some hurts person caustic content, hit person name-calling. 在一般人眼里,精神病人十分可怕,他们在家里大吵大闹,有的伤人损物,打人骂人。
2. In average person eye, mental person is very terrible, they are in the home roughhouse, some hurts person caustic content, hit person name-calling. 在一般人眼里,精神病人十分可怕,他们在家里大吵大闹,有的伤人损物,打人骂人。
3. The friendly person likes to smile, smiling of person uncertain happiness, the mirthless person must be some weak. 随和的人喜欢笑,笑的人不一定快乐,不快乐的人一定是有些脆弱的。
4. I hoped he is a sincerity, humorous, healthy person! To family responsible person! A temperateness , good person! 我希望他是一个真诚,幽默,健康的人!一个对家庭负责任的人!一个温和,善良的人!
5. This person wistfully watches the reunions of friends, for during life, this person had no pet. This person was beaten, starved, tortured, and unloved. 这些人忧愁地注视着那些再会的朋友们,因为他们的一生都不曾有过宠物,他们曾经挨打,挨饿,被虐待,不被关爱。
a person with high aspirations and determination an observant and conscientious person 有心人;
Healthy person accompanying sick person 陪伴病人的健康者;
The virus is easily transmittable from person to person 病毒很容易在人与人之间传播;