1. 'Moderation in all things' is ill-considered advice. Rather, one should say, 'Moderation in most things, ' since many areas of human concern require or at least profit from intense focus. “对所有事情都要有节制”是未经深思熟虑的。相反,人们应该说“对大多数事情要有节制”,因为许多领域要求,或者至少是受益于高强度的投入。
2. Saw your loveliness, without splurge, without luxury, without prudency, without banality, without finish. 看见你的美,不张扬,不奢华,不腼腆,不平凡,注定了没有完美。
3. Saw your iciness, without loneliness, without eeriness, without flimsiness, without integrity, without tear stains. 看见你的凉,不寂寞,不胆怯,不懦弱,不完整,注定了没有泪痕。
4. Saw your iciness, without loneliness, without eeriness, without flimsiness, without integrity, without tear stains. 看见你的凉,不寂寞,不胆怯,不懦弱,不完整,注定了没有泪痕。
5. The results you reap will be sorrow afflicting your heart, all from lacking the human value of moderation. 所得的果报将会是于心有害的悲苦,这都是因为缺乏节制这个人类价值。