1. For ship, there are railing network, partition network, rescue network, gangway ladder network, flame retardation network etc. 船舶类——护栏网、隔仓网、救生网、舷梯网、阻燃网络系列。
2. Wide area network (WAN): A network of micros spread over a larger area than a LAN, and linked typically by telecommunication. 宽域网络:较本地地区网络为大,主要用电讯联系的微处理机网络。
3. Those are central China area, Guanzhong area, Northern area, Shandong byland area, the middle and the lower area of Changjiang River, and Ba , Shu and Dian area. 按青铜豆出土地点分为六大区域,即中原地区、关中地区、北方地区、山东半岛地区,长江中下游地区、巴蜀滇地区,进行区域性的分析。
4. It dissects the definition of job network, job network script, job network parameter and the impact of job network in a job manage system. 详细地介绍了作业网络的定义,作业网络脚本,作业网络参数以及作业网络在作业管理系统中的作用;
5. UMB systems benefit from a highly innovative flat network architecture that simplifies the core network and network interfaces, making it easy to scale the network. UMB系统利用高度创新的扁平化网络架构,简化了核心网和网络接口,从而易于实现网络扩展。