1. It includes vehicle and vessel usage tax, vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax, vessel tonnage tax, stamp tax , deed tax , securities exchange tax(not yet levied ), slaughter tax. 包括车船使用税、车船使用牌照税、船舶吨税、印花税、契税、证券交易税(目前没有立法开征)、屠宰税和筵席税等8种税。
2. In fact, the tax-involved cost can be saved by making out a lawful and reasonable taxation plan, other than by not paying tax, paying less tax, tax dodging and tax cheating. 而涉税成本的节约,并不是通过不交税、少交税、偷税、骗税等手段达到的,而是通过合理、合法的税收筹划来实现的。
3. This paper expounds several tax designing modes such as the tax payment design, tax avoidance design, tax saving design, and tax transferring design, etc. 阐述了纳税筹划、避税筹划、节税筹划、转税筹划等几种税收筹划方式,指出了我国企业实施纳税筹划的必然性。
4. Added value tax:My company is the general taxpayer of added value tax. 增值税:我公司为增值税的一般纳税人。
5. We will enforce the newly revised interim regulations on value-added tax, business tax and excise tax, and comprehensively implement VAT reform. 贯彻实施新修订的增值税以及营业税、消费税暂行条例,全面实施增值税转型改革。
Tax paid- land value added tax 已付土地增值税;
Supplementary Circular of the MOF and the SAT on the Issues of Exempting Value-added Tax on the Purchase of Goods in China fo 财政部、国家税务总局关于外国政府和国际组织无偿援助项目在华采购物资免征增值税的补充通知;