1. Understanding travel agency and its regulation Understanding the content of tour guide and manager Case study of inbound and outbound travel group Case study of the crisis for travel group. 瞭解旅行社业务及相关法规瞭解领队与导游之工作内容国内外外带团之案例与注意事项讨论危机处理案例与分析演练。
2. Many different measures of impedance can be used, such as travel distance, travel time, or travel cost. 可以采用很多种不同的阻抗计算方法,比如,出行距离,出行时间,或出行成本。
3. Since the travel time and velocity of splitting shear waves is invariable with the fracture set's stripe at the same travel path, "constant travel time and velocity principle" is proposed. 分析记录可知,在相同传播方向的分裂横波具有走时和传播速度不随裂缝方位变化的恒定性特征;
4. Travel switch and its wiring system: When carriage drives the lance tube moving, the travel of Soot-blower is controlled by travel switch. 行程及走线机构:跑车带动吹灰枪运动时,由行程开关控制吹灰器行程。
5. Operate guidebook: Mouse the left key shoot, move, the blank space key can pause, can choose bullet or reinforce star etc. while appearing red arrowhead under. 操作指南:鼠标左键射击、动,空格键可暂停,下方出现红色箭头时可选择子弹或加固星球等。