1. For Apple, the eastern half of Europe is still both terra incognita and non desiderata. 对苹果公司来说,欧洲的东半部仍然是未发现的领域,并且也不是它迫切要得到的市场。
2. A market in US mortgages is hardly terra incognita. 美国抵押贷款市场不是一块处女地。
3. I must avoid my pre-existing knowledge and constructs, and enter my personal terra incognita. 我不得不绕开原有的知识与观念,进入自我的未知领域。
4. There are several continental areas, notably Ishtar Terra, the size of the USA and the largest of all; Aphrodite Terra. 有几个大陆地区,特别是伊师,是美国规模最大的兵马俑所有,阿佛洛狄忒兵马俑。
5. Fig. 9: Damages to vegetables caused by Meloidogyne incognita at vegetable specialty farming area. 图九、蔬菜专业区遭南方根瘤线虫危害之菜圃。