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    1. Sound pressure measurement, sound intensity measurement, sound power measurement, time field wave display, instantaneous sound power measurement and sound field indicator measurement.
    2. Sound pressure measurement, sound intensity measurement, sound power measurement, time field wave display, instantaneous sound power measurement and sound field indicator measurement.
    3. Primarily concerned with controlling the measurement of project types, topography, line measurement, deformation measurement and geographical information system measurement of results.
    4. Primarily concerned with controlling the measurement of project types, topography, line measurement, deformation measurement and geographical information system measurement of results.
    5. High precision laser interference measurement system is the decisive factor of precision displacement measurement. In this paper, a kind of two_frequency laser measurement system is introduced.


    truck payload measurement system weight measurement sensor
    Instruments for the measurement of sound intensity-measurement with pairs of pressure sensing microphones
    声强测量仪 用声压传声器对测量;
    Methods of measurement for satellite television earthreceive-only station-Door-out unit measurement
    卫星电视地球接收站测量方法 室外单元测量;
    Methods of measurement for satellite television earth receive-only station-Door in-unit measurement
    卫星电视地球接收站测量方法 室内单元测量;
    Chapter II Datum Instruments of Measurement and Standard Instruments of Measurement
    第二章 计量基准器具和计量标准器具;
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