1. Methods Frontal coronary incision or minimal incision, temporal incision and ante/post-auricular incisions were used, and SMAS suspension, liposuction and lipectomy were performed. 方法采用额部冠状切口或微小切口,颞区发际后、耳前、耳垂、耳后切口,分别在皮下、SMAS瓣下剥离悬吊,辅以颊脂肪垫切除,面颈部吸脂和颞部填充术。
2. Aim:To understand the function of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the accessory nerve in spasmodic torticollis and to provide the appropriate surgical incision and surgical method. 了解胸锁乳突肌和副神经的解剖关系及在痉挛性斜颈中的作用,为手术治疗痉挛性斜颈的切口 和方法提供解剖依据。
3. Aim:To understand the function of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the accessory nerve in spasmodic torticollis and to provide the appropriate surgical incision and surgical method. 了解胸锁乳突肌和副神经的解剖关系及在痉挛性斜颈中的作用,为手术治疗痉挛性斜颈的切口 和方法提供解剖依据。
4. Methods: According to the size and site of phyma. augmentation mammoplasty incision of skin and radioaction-shaped incision in mammary gland were used to cut off phyma of breast. 方法:根据乳房肿块的大小、部位,应用三种隆乳术皮肤小切口,乳腺内放射状切口行乳房肿块切除。
5. Results:the incision of operation was NO. 1 concrescence. No case with recurrence was observed. The cicatrice of incision was not patency. 结果:术后切口Ⅰ期愈合,随访5~8个月,无1例复发,切口瘢痕不明显,乳头感觉良好,无血运和感觉障碍。