1. Note:the water for coolant shall be demineralized water without suspended matter, impure matter, unsolvable matter and corrosiveness matter. 注意:冷却水不得含有悬浮物、矿物质、金属杂质,不溶性和腐蚀性物质。
2. The theory of animal's subject status advocated that the subject shouldn't belong to humanity and current subject criterion should be overturned. 非人类中心主义的兴起引发了学术界关于动物是主体抑或客体的激烈论争。
3. The paper gives subject structure, area structure, organization structure, subject-organization distribution and area-subject distribution. 给出了我国社会科学生产力的学科结构、地区结构、机构结构,以及学科——机构分布和地区——学科分布。
4. This paper discussed subject charter of Chemical Pedagogy from social nature of education. Structure and knowledge of subject, and showed this subject is a science of education. 本文从教育的社会性、学科的知识内容及其结构等方面讨论了化学教育学的学科属性,说明了化学教育学是一门社科性教育学科。
5. While the subject-matter of the trilogy by placing the back of poker in the main subject of the above after color ratio on a color close to, so the customer finally signed. 而笔者通功不兵不面不本叠不收在主不本的上不面后,举行颜色比不不不不差即感触颜色比力挨近,于是客户毕竟签名不否认了。
motif motive mythos subject subject matter text theme topic 主题;
Article 8 Those employees who were subject to the Labor Standards Law prior to the enforcement of this Act and still work for the same business entity after the enforcement of this Act may choose to remain to be subject to the pension mechanism under the 第8条 本条例施行前已适用劳动基准法之劳工,于本条例施行后仍服务于同一事业单位者,得选择继续适用劳动基准法之退休金规定。;