1. What's more, the emotionality of negative stimulus was stronger than positive stimulus. For the interference would appear in positive stimulus only in the condition of affective priming. 进一步用伪随机呈现的方式时,正性词的干扰现象仍旧不显著,并且发现正性刺激要在情绪驱动的情况下才出现干扰现象,说明正性刺激的情绪性要弱于负性刺激。
2. The first is a dubious generalisation made by the greatest of novelists, Leo Tolstoy. 第二句可信度稍高一些,出自一名与伟大无缘的作家。
3. The laws governing our social life are not so clearly understood as to permit of a clear generalisation. 我们现在还没十分懂得支配我们社会生活的那些规律,所以还不能构成很明白的一般概念。
4. A reasonable generalisation from this rather small sample would be that "prosperous and constitutional democracies tend to live in peace with each other." 从这小样本得出的合理概括是:“繁荣的宪法民主国家一般可以和平地生活在一起。”
5. Thus the response to a given stimulus (virtual stressor) can easily change in two separate time periods, even though the stimulus is the same. 因此,针对某一特定的刺激(虚拟压力)能在两个不同的时间内轻松转变,即使给予相同的刺激。