1. I was sent off to The King's School, which Isaac Newton attended, and on my first day there was duly assigned to one of six sporting houses. Mine, of course, was Newton House. 每个新生在报到的第一天要被分配到六幢宿舍楼里,很自然地,我被分到了牛顿楼。
2. Robert Hooke, Isaac Newton's low-born rival who came up with insights about gravity that Newton may have stolen, first applied the microscope to them. 出身低微,首先提出牛顿重力理论的罗伯特。胡克最先用显微镜来观察雪花。
3. Sir Isaac Newton supposedly discovered gravity through the fall of an apple. 艾萨克
4. Sir Isaac Newton supposedly discovered gravity through the fall of an apple. 艾萨克·牛顿爵士通过苹果落地发现了万有引力。
5. Sir Isaac Newton was one of the pioneers in investigating viscosity, and on his analysis depends the definition of the coefficient. 艾萨克.牛顿爵士是研究粘度的先驱者之一,粘性系数就是根据他的分析下的定义。