1. For example, when entering cadets or "plebes" are questioned by upper-class officers, they are restricted to four answers: "Yes, sir, " "No, sir, ""No excuse, sir, " and "Sir, I do not understand. 举例来说,当新来的学员或者说一年级新生被上级军官提问,他们被限定只能做出四种回答:“是的,长官”,“不,长官”,“没有任何借口,长官”和“长官,我不明白。”
4. There appeared to them a richly caparisoned horse, mounted by a dreadful rider. Charging furiously, the horse attacked Heliodorus with its front hoofs. The rider was seen to be wearing golden armor. 因为在他们眼前出现了一匹配备华丽的骏马,上面骑着一位威严可怕的骑士,疾驰冲来,前蹄乱踏赫略多洛,骑马的人身穿金黄的铠甲;
5. Open the rider picture and using the Lasso Tool copy the shape of the rider. 打开骑手图片和使用套索工具复制的形状骑手。