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    1. The Baguashan anticline is located in the western thrust-and-fold zone of Taiwan orogen. As a whole, the growth of this anticline is from the north to the south.
    2. The structural traps are compressive fold anticline, buried hill and drape, nose structure, and reverse drag anticline.
    3. The Baguashan anticline is located in the western thrust-and-fold zone of Taiwan orogen. As a whole, the growth of this anticline is from the north to the south.
    4. The Baguashan anticline is located in the western thrust-and-fold zone of Taiwan orogen. As a whole, the growth of this anticline is from the north to the south.
    5. Laoli begins from 0 cost, this platform does business affairs of true now OK and recumbent electron big business, profiteered!


    recumbent anticline
    伏背斜; 伏卧背斜; 卧倒背斜;
    recumbent anticline
    伏背斜; 伏卧背斜; 卧倒背斜;
    Dorsal recumbent position with knee flexed
    recumbent fold
    伏卧褶曲; 伏卧褶皱; 卧褶皱; 平卧褶皱;
    recumbent infold
    伏卧 褶皱; 伏卧褶皱,偃卧褶皱;
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