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    1. People uses 4 decorative thread commonly on metope previously: The shade horn line, line that hang lens (picturesque scene line) , lumbar line and the line that play a base.
    2. We supply all kinds of steel mill finish line equipments such as slitting line , recoil trimming line, tension level line , cleaning line, steering equipments for EPC and CPC.
    3. So it is put forward in the paper according to the structure of glass pipe production line, a on-line measurement method based on line array CCD sensor, and technology summary of them.
    4. Put the spring line first, then the breast line, the headline and stern line at last.
    5. Cap line: The top framework line for constructing the capital letters. Many designs choose that the ascender line to be their cap line as well.


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    act a part airs and graces assume attitudinize hoity-toity lug mince prunes and prism put on air put on airs strike an attitude take on airs
    act a part airs and graces assume attitudinize hoity-toity lug mince prunes and prism put on air put on airs strike an attitude take on airs
    put-put rat-a-tat rat-tat
    put-put rat-a-tat rat-tat
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