1. The presentive democratic presidential presidential /\ nominee also vowed to use what he called all the tools of statecraft to prevent Iraq from to developing nuclear weapons. 这位预计成为民主党总统的提名人还发誓说要运用一切他所谓的所有治理国家的工具来阻止伊拉克发展核武器。
2. On the other hand, it was classified as short-term, intermediate term, medium-long term and very long-term according to the duration of storage. 非活性保存有干燥保存、冷冻保存和角膜镜片保存等方法;按保存的时间又分为短期、中期、中长期和较长期保存。
3. These are examples of the time-honored presidential restart-an unofficial third term for re-elected Presidents loping toward the history books. 再次当选总统的例子不乏被传为佳话者——历史上有过打破官方惯例第三次当选的总统(罗斯福)
4. To what degree were there presidential "coattails" in 2000, and how will the presence or absence of those coattails affect policymaking in the near term? 2000年选举在多大程度上存在着总统选举的“帮忙”,这些帮忙对近期的政策研究会产生怎样的政府影响?
5. Mortgages payable, long-term leases, long-term notes payable, and bond payable are a few examples of long-term liabilities. 应付抵押借款、长期租赁、应付长期票据,以及应付债券都是长期负债的一些例子。
MBA Term Term Paper and Assignment 本科课程作业;
short-term short-term 短期的;
law term term 开庭期;
English Language Word or Term Chinese Language Word or Term INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX WITHHOLDING RETURN 扣缴个人所得税报告表;
English Language Word or Term Chinese Language Word or Term INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX WITHHOLDING RETURN 扣缴个人所得税报告表;